Monday, October 25, 2010

Setting up shop

For the first time, and mostly by myself, I've been setting up a studio in what, hopefully, will become a really rad space.

My previous business had been in my former business partner's home. This one is all mine, though,(except for the 15,000 + sq. feet in the rest of the warehouse) and I'm really pumped.

It's been a long, arduous process, but I am starting to see a light at the end of the tunnel.  Laminate flooring is the newest beast that I'm still trying to tackle.

I used scrap boards to hold down the plastic underlayer while I was moving around the room.  You can see the hole in the wall in the far right corner and the disgusting floor underneath.
Previously, I was busy stripping paint from the door to the space. The construction company that used to be housed in the space had painted over the leaded glass with heavy layers of house paint.  They also left a moldy carpet that had been glued down with a really heavy adhesive.  Shit was gross.

Here's the door when I was getting started:

And here's the finished version:

My friend, Marie, did a great paint job. She helped me paint the room too.

I am currently searching for some lockers, a crockpot, a good desk or workbench, some toolboxes, and an amazing lamp.

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